Hygiene Services

To maintain your gums’ good health

Dental hygienists are licensed healthcare professionals who focus on preventing and treating oral diseases to protect your teeth and gums. As well as assessing your gums and deep cleaning your teeth, which may include an air polish, they also give advice on daily techniques to help manage and prevent gum deterioration.

Our hygienists can also provide treatment using PerioChip®, for those patients with more advanced gum disease, offer advice on teeth whitening and carry out oral cancer checks.

The advantages

  • Can help prevent gum disease or stop it from worsening.
  • Reduces the risk of developing serious general health conditions that are related to poor oral health, such as heart disease.
  • Helps you look after your teeth more effectively at home.


Individually tailored oral hygiene

  • Ultrasonic Clean
  • Hand scaling and polish


Individually tailored oral hygiene

  • Ultrasonic Clean
  • Hand scaling and polish

Why do we put off a visit to the Dental Hygienist?

It’s so easy to put off a visit to The Dental Hygienist, particularly when you are not aware of any problems. We know many of you are worried about,

  1. Time/ other priorities
  2. Cost
  3. Fear

These are all reasons we need to address, so we would like you to know

How we can try to help you.

Time: We offer flexible time slots between 8.30 am / 6.00pm to allow the most convenient time for you to visit us.

Cost: We offer a payment plan & standby appointments; our Receptionists, Alison & Mary will explain these options to you.

Fear: We feel this is the most important reason, that’s why our two Hygienist’s (Alison & Mandy) are fully qualified health care professionals, who will make your appointment informative & enlightening. There is always lot’s to discuss and you are given time to express any concerns and to explain how you are feeling.

Remember oral health is not just about bad breath, smoking, or sensitivity it’s also proven to be a risk factor in Heart disease or Alzheimer’s.

Gone are the days of a quick ‘polish’ and a lecture about flossing or smoking. Now our Hygienist’s will carry out a thorough examination of your gums, tongue, & soft tissues, (An oral cancer check) also a gum assessment or screening.

The Hygienist will spend time explaining how you can prevent gum disease & tooth decay by improving your home care. You will get oral hygiene advice, be recommended a suitable toothbrush & interdental aids to help you keep your mouth healthy, and to prevent any problem’s coming back.

A professional deep clean will be carried out with your full co-operation. This will remove any deposits or staining from your teeth. This could include an opportunity for an Air Polish, which is fantastic for removing unsightly stains caused by smoking or from red wine, tea, & coffee.

We hope you have found this information informative.

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Hygiene Services


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